AI in Dungeons and Dragons

Hasbro's Chris Cocks is All In with  AI in Dungeons & Dragons — and So Should We Be

Stuart Shaw — 3 to 4 minutes

When Chris Cocks, Hasbro’s CEO, spoke recently at a Goldman Sachs event about AI’s role in the future of Dungeons & Dragons, it sent a clear message: AI isn’t just coming—it’s already here, and it’s going to be a game-changer. And you know what? He’s absolutely right. AI is poised to revolutionize the tabletop RPG world, and I’m 100% on board with that—provided we use it intelligently. Put the ethical debates on the shelf for a moment; this is about leveraging AI smartly, as Dungeon Masters and players, to boost creativity, improve storytelling, and streamline game management. If we use AI correctly, we’re opening up the future of D&D in ways that were unimaginable before.

Cocks pointed out that the Dungeon Masters and players he knows are already using AI to build campaigns, develop characters, and generate story ideas. Yes, yes, and yes! These are exactly the kinds of things AI should be used for, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The creativity boost that AI provides is phenomenal, and it’s something people who oppose AI simply don’t see.

And let’s be honest—those who are quick to shout that “AI is theft” clearly don’t understand what AI is. That’s just ignorant. It’s an oversimplified, meme-like take that’s completely disconnected from reality. These people are buying into crowdthink, regurgitating what they’ve heard without actually understanding the technology. And worse, they’re holding back the game we all love.

AI and the Power to Transform Industries

Let me clarify: I’m not just a casual supporter of AI. I live and breathe AI. I’m a professional in the data science world, and I’m deeply involved in AI on a corporate level. My job involves overseeing AI and machine learning processes for the company I work for, where we’re transcribing and analyzing tens of thousands of calls a day. This isn’t about some abstract technology; AI is already helping us hear our customers’ voices clearer, easier, and faster than ever before. The outcome? Our customers get better, more timely services, and their experience improves in real, tangible ways. This is exactly what’s coming to D&D if we embrace AI in the right way.

And that’s the point that Cocks is making. AI isn’t some distant, sci-fi fantasy—it’s a tool that can handle the heavy lifting, allowing Dungeon Masters and players to focus on what really matters: innovation, creativity, and the core essence of the game. Just as AI is enabling professionals in industries like mine to free up time for more high-level, strategic thinking, it’s going to free up Dungeon Masters to craft better campaigns, deeper characters, and more immersive worlds. And that’s what we all want, isn’t it? More time spent on the fun, creative parts of D&D, and less time bogged down in repetitive tasks.

AI in Dungeons and Dragons

AI in Dungeons & Dragons: The Key to Unlocking Creativity

As mentioned, Cocks gave a perfect example of this in his remarks. He plays with Dungeon Masters and players who are already using AI for campaign development, character creation, and story ideas. That’s exactly what AI should be used for in D&D, and it’s just the beginning. The creative potential AI brings to the table is mind-blowing, and if you aren’t taking advantage of it, you’re missing out. 

As someone who works daily with AI, I can confidently say that it’s not about replacing creativity—it’s about amplifying it. My own professional experience with AI shows just how transformative it can be when used properly. AI in my industry is helping automate time-consuming tasks, giving professionals more time to focus on strategic, high-value work. The same thing can happen in Dungeons & Dragons. By using AI to manage the tedious parts of campaign prep, Dungeon Masters will be able to put their energy into what really matters—crafting unforgettable stories for their players.

AI in Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons Must Embrace AI Responsibly

Let’s take my own industry as an example. I work in a risk-averse financial company here in Australia, where AI is gradually taking over the manual, process-oriented tasks that used to eat up time and resources. We’re not quite at the cutting edge yet—we’re moving carefully, but we’re getting there. And this is what we need to do in the D&D space, too. We need to adopt AI intelligently and responsibly, making sure it’s used to enhance the game, not detract from it. We need to apply the same level of diligence and caution that we do in my industry. But the potential is there. The benefits are there. The future of D&D is right there for the taking.

Cocks is essentially saying the same thing: AI has immense potential in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, but it must be handled with care. He talks about using AI as a knowledge worker and development aid, which echoes exactly what I’m saying—AI is a tool, not a replacement. His call to embrace AI responsibly, ensuring that creators are credited and transparency is maintained when AI is involved, is crucial. It aligns perfectly with the kind of diligence we apply in my own industry. The message is clear: we must use AI to enhance creativity and the player experience while maintaining the integrity of the game.

AI in Dungeons and Dragons

AI to empower the magic at the table

As someone deeply invested in both AI and D&D, my priority has always been the game itself—the magic that happens between friends at the table. It’s sacred, and AI has the power to amplify that magic, not replace it. By lowering barriers and making the game more accessible, AI offers a new horizon of creativity, connection, and innovation that we could have only dreamed of before. This excites me because it means more people can experience the joy and wonder of tabletop role-playing in ways we’ve never seen.

So yes, Chris Cocks is absolutely right: AI is the future of D&D, and it’s a future we must embrace, but with thoughtfulness and intelligence. We have the responsibility to ensure AI enhances the game, making it richer, more immersive, and more engaging for every player. It’s not about surrendering to technology but using it to elevate what matters most—the shared stories, the camaraderie, and the moments of pure, unfiltered imagination.

At the end of the day, the heart of Dungeons & Dragons isn’t in the tools we use, but in the people we play with. And if AI can help us unlock new dimensions of creativity and possibility at that sacred table, then it’s a future we should welcome with open arms. Because the true magic of D&D will always be what happens when we come together, roll the dice, and step into worlds and shared experiences only we can create.

Stuart Shaw

Written by Stuart Shaw, a 40-year veteran of tabletop role-playing games. His journey started with Dungeons & Dragons in 1983, and he is the author of "Dice and Data: Your Ultimate Toolkit for ChatGPT Creativity and Game Mastery". Stuart is eager to share his passion and expertise with the world and enjoys writing about news and innovations in the RPG world. Join him on an exciting adventure into the world of TTRPGs.  About me.